查了很多资料,最终把问题解决了,总结如下:0, 环境是日文的windowsXP,office2003;为了以后看着方便,把注释尽量都用英文写了;1, 我们需要在outlook中设置一个宏,并把outlook的安全级别设置为中或者低,记得重启outlook;2, 这个宏的内容可以参考附录1,这是某个老外写的,有兴趣的可以去他的主页看看,不知道还在不在;国内很多外包公司是很难上外网的,我下班在家不睡觉搞这个容易嘛我;3, 具体的添加方法:打开outlook,打开宏编辑,选取outlook的第一个自带宏session,把附录1的内容拷贝进去;4, 附录1实际对outlook对象添加了一个方法;目的呢,由于是之前outlook判断不是自身发起的请求将弹出对话框;而添加到了outlook自身之后,就回避了这个问题;当然有人说通过vb捕捉弹出窗口,发起BM_CLICK事件,而不是BTNclick btnHwnd事件,也可以实现自动点击yes自动发信;5, 继续老外的方法,打开需要触发的文件,比如execl或者access等等,把附录2的内容拷贝进去;注意修改to地址,邮件名,邮件体,附件等等;6, 在公司有可能需要把认证先通过后,自己测试后比较为好。那么,这样做了也实现不了自动发信,触发的timer什么的,我也有,就不贴了,实在拿不出手。-----------附录1-----------1 Option Explicit 2 3 ' Code: Send E-mail without Security Warnings ' OUTLOOK 2003 VBA CODE FOR 'ThisOutlookSession' MODULE ' (c) 2005 Wayne Phillips (http://www.everythingaccess.com) ' Written 07/05/2005 ' Last updated v1.4 - 26/03/2008 ' 4 ' Please read the full tutorial here: 5 ' http://www.everythingaccess.com/tutorials.asp?ID=112 6 ' 7 ' Please leave the copyright notices in place - Thank you. 8 9 Private Sub Application_Startup() 10 11 'IGNORE - This forces the VBA project to open and be accessible 12 ' using automation at any point after startup 13 14 End Sub 15 16 ' FnSendMailSafe 17 ' -------------- 18 ' Simply sends an e-mail using Outlook/Simple MAPI. 19 ' Calling this function by Automation will prevent the warnings ' 'A program is trying to send a mesage on your behalf...' 20 ' Also features optional HTML message body and attachments by file path. 21 ' 22 ' The To/CC/BCC/Attachments function parameters can contain multiple items ' by seperating them with a semicolon. (e.g. for the strTo parameter, ' 'test@test.com; test2@test.com' would be acceptable for sending to ' multiple recipients. 23 ' 24 Public Function FnSendMailSafe(strTo As String, _ 25 strCC As String, _ 26 strBCC As String, _ 27 strSubject As String, _ 28 strMessageBody As String, _ 29 Optional strAttachments As String) As Boolean 30 31 ' (c) 2005 Wayne Phillips - Written 07/05/2005 ' Last updated 26/03/2008 - Bugfix for empty recipient strings ' http://www.everythingaccess.com ' 32 ' You are free to use this code within your application(s) ' as long as the copyright notice and this message remains intact. 33 34 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler: 35 36 Dim MAPISession As Outlook.NameSpace 37 Dim MAPIFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder 38 Dim MAPIMailItem As Outlook.MailItem 39 Dim oRecipient As Outlook.Recipient 40 41 Dim TempArray() As String 42 Dim varArrayItem As Variant 43 Dim strEmailAddress As String 44 Dim strAttachmentPath As String 45 46 Dim blnSuccessful As Boolean 47 48 'Get the MAPI NameSpace object 49 Set MAPISession = Application.Session 50 51 If Not MAPISession Is Nothing Then 52 53 'Logon to the MAPI session 54 MAPISession.Logon , , True, False 55 56 'Create a pointer to the Outbox folder 57 Set MAPIFolder = MAPISession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderOutbox) 58 If Not MAPIFolder Is Nothing Then 59 60 'Create a new mail item in the "Outbox" folder 61 Set MAPIMailItem = MAPIFolder.Items.Add(olMailItem) 62 If Not MAPIMailItem Is Nothing Then 63 64 With MAPIMailItem 65 66 'Create the recipients TO 67 TempArray = Split(strTo, ";") 68 For Each varArrayItem In TempArray 69 70 strEmailAddress = Trim(varArrayItem) 71 If Len(strEmailAddress) > 0 Then 72 Set oRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress) 73 oRecipient.Type = olTo 74 Set oRecipient = Nothing 75 End If 76 77 Next varArrayItem 78 79 'Create the recipients CC 80 TempArray = Split(strCC, ";") 81 For Each varArrayItem In TempArray 82 83 strEmailAddress = Trim(varArrayItem) 84 If Len(strEmailAddress) > 0 Then 85 Set oRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress) 86 oRecipient.Type = olCC 87 Set oRecipient = Nothing 88 End If 89 90 Next varArrayItem 91 92 'Create the recipients BCC 93 TempArray = Split(strBCC, ";") 94 For Each varArrayItem In TempArray 95 96 strEmailAddress = Trim(varArrayItem) 97 If Len(strEmailAddress) > 0 Then 98 Set oRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress) 99 oRecipient.Type = olBCC100 Set oRecipient = Nothing101 End If102 103 Next varArrayItem104 105 'Set the message SUBJECT106 .Subject = strSubject107 108 'Set the message BODY (HTML or plain text)109 If StrComp(Left(strMessageBody, 6), "", _110 vbTextCompare) = 0 Then111 .HTMLBody = strMessageBody112 Else113 .Body = strMessageBody114 End If115 116 'Add any specified attachments117 TempArray = Split(strAttachments, ";")118 For Each varArrayItem In TempArray119 120 strAttachmentPath = Trim(varArrayItem)121 If Len(strAttachmentPath) > 0 Then122 .Attachments.Add strAttachmentPath123 End If124 125 Next varArrayItem126 127 .Send 'The message will remain in the outbox if this fails128 129 Set MAPIMailItem = Nothing130 131 End With132 133 End If134 135 Set MAPIFolder = Nothing136 137 End If138 139 MAPISession.Logoff140 141 End If142 143 'If we got to here, then we shall assume everything went ok.144 blnSuccessful = True145 146 ExitRoutine:147 Set MAPISession = Nothing148 FnSendMailSafe = blnSuccessful149 150 Exit Function151 152 ErrorHandler:153 MsgBox "An error has occured in the user defined Outlook VBA function " & _154 "FnSendMailSafe()" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _155 "Error Number: " & CStr(Err.Number) & vbCrLf & _156 "Error Description: " & Err.Description, _157 vbApplicationModal + vbCritical158 Resume ExitRoutine159 160 End Function
1 Option Explicit 2 3 ' ACCESS VBA MODULE: Send E-mail without Security Warning ' (c) 2005 Wayne Phillips (http://www.everythingaccess.com) ' Written 07/05/2005 ' Last updated v1.3 - 11/11/2005 ' 4 ' Please read the full tutorial & code here: 5 ' http://www.everythingaccess.com/tutorials.asp?ID=112 6 ' 7 ' Please leave the copyright notices in place - Thank you. 8 9 ' This is a test function! - replace the e-mail addresses ' with your own before executing!!10 ' (CC/BCC can be blank strings, attachments string is optional)11 12 Sub FnTestSafeSendEmail()13 Dim blnSuccessful As Boolean14 Dim strHTML As String15 16 strHTML = "" & _17 "" & _18 "My HTML message text!" & _19 "" & _20 "" 21 blnSuccessful = FnSafeSendEmail("myemailaddress@domain.com", _22 "My Message Subject", _23 strHTML)24 25 'A more complex example... 26 'blnSuccessful = FnSafeSendEmail( _27 "myemailaddress@domain.com; recipient2@domain.com", _28 "My Message Subject", _ 29 strHTML, _ 30 "C:\MyAttachFile1.txt; C:\MyAttachFile2.txt", _ 31 "cc_recipient@domain.com", _ 32 "bcc_recipient@domain.com")33 34 If blnSuccessful Then35 36 MsgBox "E-mail message sent successfully!"37 38 Else39 40 MsgBox "Failed to send e-mail!"41 42 End If43 44 End Sub45 46 47 'This is the procedure that calls the exposed Outlook VBA function...48 Public Function FnSafeSendEmail(strTo As String, _49 strSubject As String, _50 strMessageBody As String, _51 Optional strAttachmentPaths As String, _52 Optional strCC As String, _53 Optional strBCC As String) As Boolean54 55 Dim objOutlook As Object ' Note: Must be late-binding.56 Dim objNameSpace As Object57 Dim objExplorer As Object58 Dim blnSuccessful As Boolean59 Dim blnNewInstance As Boolean60 61 'Is an instance of Outlook already open that we can bind to?62 On Error Resume Next63 Set objOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")64 On Error GoTo 065 66 If objOutlook Is Nothing Then67 68 'Outlook isn't already running - create a new instance...69 Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")70 blnNewInstance = True 71 'We need to instantiate the Visual Basic environment... (messy)72 Set objNameSpace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")73 Set objExplorer = objOutlook.Explorers.Add(objNameSpace.Folders(1), 0)74 objExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 1695).Execute75 76 objExplorer.Close77 78 Set objNameSpace = Nothing79 Set objExplorer = Nothing80 81 End If82 83 blnSuccessful = objOutlook.FnSendMailSafe(strTo, strCC, strBCC, _84 strSubject, strMessageBody, _85 strAttachmentPaths)86 87 If blnNewInstance = True Then objOutlook.Quit88 Set objOutlook = Nothing89 90 FnSafeSendEmail = blnSuccessful91 92 End Function